5 Ways To Deal With Stained Teeth After Braces

Almost every other person you know has gotten braces; it’s a common treatment after all! But sometimes, this simple procedure can lead to stained teeth after braces. The culprit is the same whether it appears as discoloration, yellowness, or a white stain after braces. 

So what do you do to get rid of this unappealing discoloration? What causes these white marks on teeth with braces? Read on and find out what to do when it comes to braces stains! But before we get to that, let’s talk about this…

What causes stains on teeth after braces?

Stained teeth after braces are often caused by plaque buildup. Plaque is a sticky, acidic film that builds up in teeth when leftover food, saliva, and bacteria reside in your mouth for longer than necessary. 

The combination of these elements creates dental plaque, which further builds upon your teeth, one layer after another. Soon, it will give off a yellow or brown discoloration that’s visible to the naked eye. 

However, if you don’t take the right precautions, dental plaque will become thick tartar, demineralizing your teeth and causing cavities in the long run. Sometimes, it might even break off your teeth! The best way to avoid this from happening is to simply take care of your oral health by brushing and using mouthwash, especially when you have your braces on

Can braces stain your teeth?

Yes, braces can potentially cause tooth staining if proper oral hygiene isn’t maintained. Food particles can get trapped around braces, leading to plaque buildup and discoloration. Additionally, certain foods and drinks, like coffee or dark sodas, can contribute to staining. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups can help prevent this issue. 

This is why at Premier Dental, we emphasize the importance of regular brushing to all our braces patients so they get a smile they’re proud of!

braces can potentially cause tooth staining if proper oral hygiene isn't maintained. Food particles can get trapped around braces

How to fix teeth stained teeth from braces

Luckily, many orthodontic procedures can fix your teeth stained from braces. Here are 5 main ways you can remove the stain after braces and achieve a perfect, sparkling smile:

1. Remineralization

Remineralization is a process aimed at restoring lost minerals in tooth enamel, which can help strengthen and repair damaged areas while reducing the appearance of stains. When braces are worn, the brackets and wires can create small areas where plaque and food particles accumulate, leading to demineralization of the enamel and the formation of white spots or stains. 

Remineralization treatments typically involve using toothpaste specially formulated with fluoride and calcium phosphate, both essential minerals for enamel health. Additionally, dentists may recommend fluoride varnishes or gels applied during routine dental visits to enhance remineralization and protect teeth from further decay. 

These treatments work by replenishing the minerals within the enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks and reducing the visibility of stains caused by braces.  

2. Teeth whitening

Professional teeth whitening treatments are a popular option for addressing braces-induced stains. Dentists utilize bleaching agents like hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide to break down stains and lighten tooth color. 

In-office whitening procedures offer quick and noticeable results, effectively removing braces white spots caused by braces brackets, and wires. Plus, you can also be prescribed a take-home whitening kit by your dentists for gradually brightening teeth at your convenience!

3. Veneers

For stubborn stains or cosmetic imperfections, veneers offer a long-lasting solution. These thin shells, typically made of porcelain, are custom-crafted to cover the front surface of teeth. And so, they effectively conceal stains caused by braces, providing a durable and natural-looking enhancement to your smile. 

While more invasive than whitening or remineralization, veneers offer comprehensive coverage and can address multiple aesthetic concerns simultaneously.

4. Microabrasion

Microabrasion is a minimally invasive dental procedure used to remove surface stains from enamel. During this treatment, a dentist applies a mild abrasive compound to the affected teeth, gently polishing away stains caused by braces. 

Microabrasion effectively targets superficial discoloration without damaging tooth structure, revealing brighter and smoother enamel underneath. This procedure is suitable for mild to moderate staining and can be combined with other treatments for optimal results.

5. Composite restoration

Composite restoration involves using tooth-colored composite resin to repair stained or damaged teeth. Dentists carefully match the shade of the resin to your natural tooth color so it seamlessly blends with the surrounding enamel. 

This versatile material can fill in gaps, mask discoloration, and even reshape teeth affected by braces. You should also note that a composite restoration offers a conservative approach to enhancing your smile, providing durable and aesthetically pleasing results.


Are braces stains permanent?

Usually, stained teeth after braces aren’t permanent. Since they are just plaque buildup, they can be removed with ease through the help of proper dental care and practice. However, even in cases where the staining is of a severe level, you can remove stains on your teeth after braces! The only time when the braces stains may cause permanent damage is when the tartar causes cavities. 

At home, you can remove braces stains by practicing diligent oral hygiene. Brush your teeth after every meal, using fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush to clean around the brackets and wires thoroughly. Additionally, rinse your mouth with water or an antibacterial mouthwash to help prevent staining. 

If your teeth are turning black after braces, a few things might be going wrong inside your mouth. It can be due to poor oral hygiene causing a plaque buildup, or it can also be possible that food particles are trapped in your metal brackets, causing staining or tooth decay. It’s important to consult a dentist and get your appointment right away to get it checked out!

Final Thoughts

Braces do an excellent job when it comes to straightening your teeth. But they also might be good at leaving a visible stain on your teeth. And stained teeth after braces aren’t exactly a visually appealing sight!

The good news is that these stains can be removed and prevented very easily through numerous options and precautions. If you’re looking for the best solution to your stained teeth, head over to one of Premier Dental’s clinics and let the professionals handle you with care— just like it should be!